Hole in What?

This weekend was the official celebration of my daughters 7th birthday. I had discussed with her a few weeks back what she wanted to do. It was explained to her that this year we were on a budget (broke) and we wouldn’t be doing a big party. Well lucky for us she had zero issues not having a big party and decided she only needed two things to have a good birthday. The first was dinner at Olive Garden which was not an absolute if it hinders her chance at getting the second thing… Miniature Golf or Mini Golf as her and her brother so passionately refer to it. Well in the last week she had already made two trips to olive garden before she even made it to my house, one with her nana and the other with her auntie. I swear this kid must be some kind of con artist. Continue reading

Another step foward

So as of today I’ve taken another big step forward in the journey of realizing my ultimate goal. I took the steps to being published on two websites that have daily traffic in the millions and I got a gig with a site that covers local and regional MMA. Anybody that knows me knows how I feel about the sport of MMA, how can I not be excited to have the opportunity to cover something that I enjoy so much! Beyond that I started blogging over at SB nation recently in hopes to build a big enough resume to become a staff writer on one of their many MMA sites. So with that said I’ll be making a few changes here. Nothing that will change the format but something that will help expose my readers to more than just what I have to spout off here on my blog. Continue reading

Memoirs of a squared circle: 5 wrestling games of my youth

Now if you’ve read my blog or even just skimmed through the articles I’ve written then you absolutely know that video games are a big part of what I tend to write about. So it should be no surprise at all that they would eventually contaminate everything else this blog contains, not a single subject is safe for the infectious topic that is gaming. I did the best I could to bring you pro wrestling orientated stories that included absolutely zero button smashing! Well i’m sorry to inform you that  the games have invaded and MOASC waved that white flag in complete and total surrender. Continue reading

The death of delicious

Now let me start by reassuring you that your favorite stripper has not passed away but in fact I’m writing about the loss of my favorite liquor store treat. As a matter of fact I’m talking about the death of the best microwave burrito that the world had ever tasted, REL’S RED HOT BURRITO. Let me start at the beginning of my relationship with the delicious treat that was a red hot. I originally discovered the king of the liquor store lunch menu in 1988. Continue reading

Houston we have a problem…

So over the last 24 hours I’ve been subject endless times to the fact that Whitney Houston has passed away. I was actually first  informed of her death by the girl behind the counter at the chicken restaurant as me and my mother walked back through the door to pick up the food we had ordered ten minutes earlier. Continue reading


So today as I was doing research for a time traveling Hitler related story i’m writing for an alternative history anthology I came across something that really sparked my interest. Using the search terms “are ludwigsdorf and kecksburg pa on the same geographical line?” I found an article which had some info about “Die Glocke” which is what I was looking for, but it also had a reference to some film that was being released this year called “IRON SKY”. Continue reading

Memoirs of a Squared Circle

My fifth grade school year can be described in various terms. The first being overwhelming due to the fact that I had been uprooted from the only school I had ever known and dropped into a new school in a completely different city. To be honest I had no issues with the city itself (I basically grew up in Oakland before we moved there) but the problem lied within the fact I knew no one other than my cousin at this new school. That alone can terrorize any ten year old because contrary to belief fitting in isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Continue reading

Memoirs of a Squared Circle

So today while rummaging through boxes that me and my significant other have stuffed so generously into our son’s closet I came across something that took me back to days of my youth. Now what I was initially looking for were old theatre calendar’s for a piece I’m working on, but what I came across was a few old wrestling magazines along with my official idiots guide to professional wrestling! The book actually came from the tail end of my interest in the sport. My obsession with pro wrestling started sometime in the early 80’s. I couldn’t tell you exactly when, but I can say as long as I’ve had memory’s professional wrestling has been part of them. Continue reading